How to create your own corporate domain email

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How to create your own corporate domain email

Post by pappu6329 »

Throughout all these years helping professionals, entrepreneurs and companies design websites for their businesses, I have found myself in the following situation several times:

«Jose, even before launching the website we need to know how to create a corporate email for our domain to start working with them.»

And it is more than logical that this happens.

What business doesn't want to give a good image by writing to its clients, suppliers, etc. with a corporate email account on its own domain (and not with a Gmail or Hotmail account)?

What business does not use email to a greater or lesser extent in its daily communications?

Well, I think it's time to solve this widespread and common czech republic telegram data by writing a blog post, don't you think?

The day has been a long time coming…but it has arrived. Today I am going to tell you how to create a corporate email with your own domain .

But not only that.

I'm also going to show you how you can use it with Gmail , which has quite a few advantages and is something that is highly requested by most people who want to use this type of email account.

Let's get to it!

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What are the advantages of using your own domain email in Gmail?
Phases of creating a corporate email account to be able to use it in Gmail
Tutorial on how to create a corporate email and configure Gmail to start using it in 5 minutes
What are the advantages of using your own domain email in Gmail?
As I mentioned before, most people want to create their own domain account…but they don't want to complicate their lives.

For this reason, many people really want to use a corporate email account but without stopping using their usual email client (which is usually Gmail ).

How to set up a corporate email in Gmail
Below, I am going to give you several reasons why entrepreneurs, professionals and businesses prefer to continue using Gmail in their daily lives, even with their domain emails :

They don't want to learn how to use a new interface . If you use your corporate email from your hosting (which is where it is initially hosted), you will have to use Webmail tools like Roundcube or SquirrelMail. And of course, people don't like having to take time to learn how to use a new email tool.
They want to use their emails on their mobile without complicating their lives or switching apps. As a general rule, learning to configure their corporate email account in a “hard” way or even using an app other than Gmail is not part of most people’s plans.
They prefer to centralize all their corporate email accounts in a single inbox . This does not always happen, but there are some people who want to differentiate departments in their business with different corporate email accounts, but do not want to have to check the inbox of each one of them one by one. Therefore, what they want is to centralize both the received and sent emails, but being able to respond with different email accounts from the same place.
They hate having to configure the same email accounts on multiple devices. Therefore, by making a single configuration in their Gmail, they will have everything configured at once without having to configure their corporate emails on each mobile, tablet or PC on which they want to use said email accounts.
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