Okay, so you're thinking about creating a website for your business. But…
Have you ever thought about what exactly you want to achieve by having an online presence?
Yes, I know what you're going to tell me...
Sell more, have more clients, more visibility for your business or for yourself as an independent professional.
That's what we all want.
But that answer is not enough.
I am referring to something more concrete, more specific (and less general) objectives in the short, medium and long term.
What type of website do you want to create to achieve these goals?
I'm sure this hadn't even crossed your mind... right?
So don't worry, I want to help you to be clear about the goals you denmark telegram lead to achieve and, in this way, create a website that helps you achieve what you set out to do.
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Are all websites designed for a business useful for selling?
A small example of what I'm telling you...
I have it clear. I want my website to be an investment. How do I define my objectives?
1# Short-term goals
2# Medium-term objectives
3# Long-term goals
I already have my goals clear… what type of website is best for me?
1# Basic or in-person website
2# Website to generate visibility for your business or sell your professional services
3# Sell your products (online stores)
What kind of website would you like to have or what kind of website do you think you have at present?
What goals have you set for yourself to achieve on the Internet with your project or what goals did you set for yourself at the time?
Are all websites designed for a business useful for selling?
Rather, I would tell you in response to this question that all websites related to a business SHOULD be made to sell.
But it is not always like that.
Precisely because many people create a website without really considering why and for what purpose they are creating it.
I'm not going to lie to you.
Selling online (whether services or products) is not easy and you have to be willing to work hard.
Even having the best planned and designed website in the world.
It is not enough to make a nice website, upload it to the Internet and that's it.
The web is another tool for your business that you must use correctly so that the money you spend on it is not an expense but an investment.
And that tool must be used and used well.
If you leave it in your toolbox… it will do you little (or no) good.
Let me explain it to you in another way.