Update the pages regularly so they remain evergreen

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Update the pages regularly so they remain evergreen

Post by sumona »

Use your expertise to determine the best articles to include in the cluster. 7. Make Decisions Based on Personalized Data You have deep knowledge, momentum, and expertise on a topic. You also have a slew of data you can gather showcasing a variety of KPIs. Use your personal data, not generic data, to craft your content marketing strategy.

A quick win using generic data could be pinpointing a keyword for which you rank in insurance email list the top 50, and then using the keyword in additional articles to boost your rank into the top 20 or 10. A quick win using personalized data would be finding a page on your site that already gets more traffic than it deserves and then optimizing the page for keywords. Look at the keywords for which your homepage ranks, and make sure you have the content to support those keywords.

If not, write it up. Aim to create the best article on that topic, drawing from your existing authority and existing momentum. Also, track your historical momentum with Google. Look at the history you have with Google, and then build on it to boost performance even higher. 8. Pay Attention to Your Remote Content Team Although you’ll be busy paying attention to KPIs and other marketing metrics to boost the performance of your content, you don’t want to forget another crucial element.
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