Genshin Impact is an RPG open-world game developed by Asia developer Mihoyo. It was launched during COVID-19 and had 65m+ active players. The game is known amongst hard-core players but unknown to GenZ target audience. As part of its 2nd Anniversary Global Celebration 2022, Comms8 was tasked to bring the game to life in the UK. We initiated three groundbreaking activations at Boardmasters Festival, a real-world treasure hunt in Central London and River Thames across 10 weeks in summer. We position Genshin Impact at the heart of GenZ, and enjoy music, create content and connect in the real world together.
GenZ played 16 billion more minutes than Millennials. They crave the connections that communities create. Festivals and events allow them to interact and celebrate for the moment.
So we connect with GenZ through gamified performance and experience at Boardmasters Festival, real-life treasure hunt for a moving totem in Central London and a gigantic surreal character on River Thames that coincides with London Marathon.
And we completed the experience with a fans meet-up party on the River bahrain telegram number Thames with Tower Bridge as a backdrop. We connect the virtual game world with the real-world experience that everyone can be part of, creating the moment where they can connect with others and providing the backdrop for creating great social content for amplification.
Virtual-real life integration strategy
Instead of being an ordinary sponsor for Boardmasters, we brought to life an immersive summer- themed gameplay experience, topped with a media-first co-branded performance on the Broadmasters' mainstage to release the original playlist created with local musicians in the UK.
We integrated in-game food and gameplay in a gamified beach-themed experience at our brand zone, where visitors could purchase brand-themed churros and try the game to win free churros or co- branded merchandise. To drive social engagement, we had cosplayers interact with festival-goes and capture the moment for social content #GenshinRock.
Genshin Impact Global Activation
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- Joined: Sat Dec 28, 2024 3:25 am