What exists is being prepared to take

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What exists is being prepared to take

Post by zihadhosenjm55 »

What exists is being prepared to take advantage of opportunities.

I don't know if you are one of those who read the Marmogram in the mornings, in the afternoons, at home, or if you read it later in the office, but let's do an exercise.

If you're already in the office (or if you've already gone out today), and I ask you how many red cars you saw today, do you know the answer?

Most likely not. But the next time you go out you will notice, even if it's vietnam email address just for the stupid exercise. Now, if I tell you that I'll give you 10 USD for every red car you see, you're SURELY going to notice. And you're going to pay attention even to the cars on the billboards. You're even going to count the Transmilenio (if you're in Bogotá, of course).

Well, that's the same thing that happens in business. In fact, it happens with everything in life. That's why you see more ambulances when you have a surgery scheduled.

When you start working on your Personal Brand, little by little you start to see opportunities in everything. You see what others post on social media and what you like you mentally save in your “to copy” list, or what you don’t like in the “don’t do this for fuck’s sake” drawer.

You're at a conference and you say, "I could do that."

Do you know what you need to give a conference like this? Prepare it and deliver it. Prepare is the key word. Of course, this example applies if you have not given conferences.

But if you do, I'll change the example. Do you know what you need to do to give more lectures? Offer them.


It happened to me, I started getting advice when I started offering #LikeAPro. Before, I didn't. And the sad thing is that I thought it was because no one was going to buy from me. Well, it turns out they are. And not only do they buy from me, but they like them (which is the other fear of those of us who may suffer from Impostor Syndrome, which is 90% of humanity).

Conclusion: Prepare yourself, start studying, reading, and getting interested in the subject, and you will see how opportunities start to arrive.

As happened to Ana Karina, one of my pupils. To mention a specific case, which is not mine.

When we started, one of her goals was to educate the world about Down syndrome, because her son has it. She suffered, or suffers, from the difficulties of having the syndrome in our society. It's not an easy world.

The challenge seemed very big, enormous. And that's why she was holding back. We attacked each objective little by little, breaking them down into smaller objectives and, finally, into executable tasks, as small as possible.

Today, a few months later, Ana Karina has even spoken at the Bogotá City Council about Down Syndrome. She has given lectures, workshops, and created a podcast that is listened to throughout Latin America.

In short, he has achieved things that previously seemed super distant. Things that he considered almost impossible.

I'm going to give you the first opportunity to start working on your Personal Brand. So that you can take advantage of it.

If you are one of those who sometimes worries about your job stability, your financial future, or you are one of those who wants to live more peacefully...



PS: Click the link above to see if you qualify for us to work together. I only take on 4 new clients per month.

PS2: This Marmogram was originally sent via email to my subscribers. You can subscribe here and receive one Personal Branding tip per day.
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