Have you ever stopped to think, what motivated a user to reach your landing page? What type of information were they looking for? Did they find what they needed at that consideration stage? And better yet, do you know why they ultimately decided -or didn't- to purchase your product/service?
The best way to find out is to examine and adjust our onboarding process. Let’s take a look at what it’s all about.
In digital marketing, onboarding is the term we use to describe the welcoming process that a digital asset offers to a user.
Onboarding is an important part of the Client Journey in which the user goes through different stages with the product or company.
Since you become aware of the need you have and understand that there are products or services that could satisfy it.
Going through the consideration moment , when you thoroughly research and evaluate those options that you think could provide tailored solutions
Continuing in the purchase decision-making stage, when the user establishes vietnam mobile number contact to learn a little more about the product/service.
And ending with the evaluation of what was acquired, which is very important for subsequent loyalty and recommendation.
For each of these moments, it is essential to know in depth who these users are, what needs they have, what their pain points are and how, from your digital channels, you can help them obtain all the information and interaction they need from your company depending on the moment of the journey they are in.
Onboarding then consists of achieving an excellent start to the relationship with that potential client, creating and optimizing a process so that the anonymous user quickly becomes a lead, and that he or she easily relates and adapts to your company so that in a very short time - and in the fewest possible steps - they are working together and coordinated, in a win-win for both companies.
To do this, the entire process must be analyzed and evaluated, from the acquisition of leads or prospects, how the filter is applied and what are the steps or contact points that they follow until they become a client. How do they advance to that point? Is that purchasing experience different and consistent? What can you automate and what should be handled directly by the sales team? At what step are we losing the majority of leads? Do they all behave in the same way or could we segment and optimize the step by step according to this segmentation.