Stay up to date on trending topics

Accurate, factual information from observations
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Stay up to date on trending topics

Post by rosebaby37123 »

Informative content
On the other hand, when we talk about the left hemisphere of the brain, users want to be recognized as cultured people, who share important information and contribute to knowledge.

To create relevant content that has this kind of effect on users, you must use highly verifiable information. Cite sources, consult current news, answer all the questions that the topic may cause or at least answer the 5 Wh's (what, how, when, where and why).

Likewise, when creating your audiovisual content marketing plan, it is necessary that this content is attractive, try to make it reflect a current topic or trend of the moment. We do not want it to be a degree hypothesis or something like that, you can create this type of content in a short but concise video that makes a great contribution.

5. Serial videos
Video series are a way to organize the themes on your YouTube channel, although you can create lists of videos focused on a single topic. Try to make it about something you consider yourself an expert in or something that is closely related to your brand so you can create a good audiovisual content marketing plan.

As in every case, you must create a script that allows you to start a new part and make a substantial series. The goal is that every time someone sees one of these videos they feel the need to finish watching the entire series.

Every time you start a new video for the series, give a short summary of the previous one, so you can locate the new user.

6. Persist

It's normal for a video not to get as many views as you thought it would, or maybe, if you're just starting out, you might not get any at all. But persistence is the key to achieving good results in your audiovisual content marketing. Here are some tips to keep you going:

Set a date to upload videos and never stop doing it.
If you miss a day without updating a video, give yourself a penalty, like two canadian healthcare and medical email list videos in exchange.
Create a community on social media and promote your videos.
Brainstorm new topics for your channel every month.
Check out what your competition or big content creators are doing.
Never forget to set goals for your brand.


Keep in touch with your followers.
Create a format or template so you don't have to start each edition from scratch.
7. Make collaborations
There will always be someone where you want to reach, so why not invite them from time to time to your channel, talk about common topics or even do a livestream. It is a very close way to create relationships between allies, but also, it helps reach more people with your audiovisual content marketing plan.

This technique will help both of you grow and build and connect your audiences. To find your perfect collaborator, look for them in your channel recommendations or in the most searched videos where you are trying to position yours.

8. Apply good SEO
After Google, YouTube has become the most important search engine in the world. People no longer look for solutions to read, but also for videos that explain how they can solve something.
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