And that's not all... these leaders are able to include sustainable whatsapp philippines business practices and ensure employee satisfaction! In this article, we share the priority themes for the Retail industry to help you better define your strategy in 2022: Hybridization of customer journeys: the new standard in Retail Researching and purchasing both online and in-store is well established among French consumers. Brands are convinced that creating a consistent customer experience online and in-store is the future of Retail.
The challenge is to manage new, increasingly complex hybrid customer journeys: according to Twilio's study , since the start of the pandemic, digital interaction points have increased by 63%; and to stay in touch with consumers, French managers have had to implement 4 new communication channels on average (such as Chat, Video, and SMS messages). With the return to “normality”, brands must now rethink their strategies by mixing the return to stores and digital, in a new equation within a truly “hybrid” journey.

Take Galeries Lafayette , for example, with its famous Champs-Elysées store, which successfully implemented hybrid experiences for 40,000 customers who wanted to rediscover a “human” side while being remote. As Ramona Tudosescu, Digital & Innovation Manager at Galeries Lafayette, explains: “The brand takes a two-pronged approach to the customer journey: the first strategy is to support customers’ preferred method of purchase, instead of forcing them to follow a specific path; the second strategy is to keep the human at the center of the game with personal stylists available to customers via message, call, video or directly in store.