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Take your corporate communications to

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:18 am
by tosoyi5764
Examples of ways to use this technology in practice include:

sending visually attractive notifications (e.g. wishes, congratulations, new product announcements),
providing technical support,
presenting and discussing services,
arranging meetings.

These are just a few of the options taiwan telegram available – in practice, there are many more. Each company can use RCS in a slightly different way, depending on its current goals, marketing strategy, or industry in which it operates.

You will find even more valuable information about this technology in the RCS communications tab on our website.

the next level with an innovative mobile communications platform. See how easy it is!

Step 1. Create your brand's "business card"
The first essential element of creating an RCS campaign is to prepare a so-called bot, i.e. a set of information about the organizer of the campaign (sender) . Thanks to this, recipients have no doubts about who the messages come from, despite the fact that they do not have the number saved on their contact list.


A bot may consist not only of the sender's name and phone number (and a label, e.g. Sales Department, Secretariat, Helpdesk), but also many other elements, including graphic ones.

The use of brand graphics and logos makes the message more attractive, while a link to the company's website, a "business card" description, an e-mail address, a privacy policy or terms of service provide the recipient with valuable information about the company.

The individual BOT fragments are associated with various technical requirements , including maximum number of characters, resolution, format, and file size. They are summarized in the table below.

Be sure to follow them when preparing your business card!

Element Example Comment
Brand Graphics White rectangle JPG format, resolution 1440 x 448 pixels, max. size 120 kB
Brand logo The "m" sign JPG format, resolution 224 x 224 pixels, max. size 30 kB
Bot name Name displayed to the end user, max. length 40 characters, including spaces and special characters
Bot description Platform for mass communication SMS, MMS