If you have any questions, please reply to this email and Tomer & Gal will try to provide clear answers.
Ran and Ayal.
PS - Tomer & Gal have big plans for Prospero in 2019, more details to come.
Why buy an existing product? How do we ensure that a product is good?
First of all, we were eager to build a big side philippines email address list to poptin . A few months before we had thought of many ideas and even created full specifications for two projects, but in the end we abandoned them for various reasons.
At the same time as Poptin, among others, we manage Premio and have hired a new employee dedicated solely to that.
Okay, so why buy and not build from scratch?
Or: How do we validate and prioritize ideas?
The idea of creating beautiful proposals quickly is not a new idea, and that's part of what we love about it. There are already successful competitors and companies doing this, which means there's a huge market and there are people who get real value from these tools and are willing to pay for it.
Furthermore, Prospero has already achieved a good MRR and beyond testing POC (Proof of Concept).
We always prefer independent products. What does that mean?
Products that don't depend on third parties and can exist without fear of big companies (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
In the past, we already started developing a product that was built entirely on Facebook's platform, and while we were developing the product and after we had invested $7000, Facebook changed its policy and we had to abandon the idea (our potential competitor, who raised $2 million in funding, closed the deal the same day).
Acquiring an existing product saves a lot of time and uncertainty.
Creating a new product requires a lot of resources, strategy creation, manpower, and time (which is the most expensive resource here). We would have to sit down and spec everything from scratch, design the interface, interview users, find a programmer (and pay them X good months to develop a normal MVP), start marketing, and 1001 other things.