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Effective Email Marketing for Lead Generation

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 6:10 am
by Noyonhasan603
Short videos and photos showing a sneak peek of the product or service.Posting content that . May answer your audience’s questions. Promoting your best content that leads to your lead generation . Page. Running ads to a well-targeted audience.For example, afternerd uses his youtube channel to establish . Himself as an authority in python and promote his course. Some of those videos are .

Really popular. Engagement metrics on an afternerd video shop about pythonand each video has a link . For people who are willing to learn python. Link from a youtube video to an . External page about a course sign-upthe great thing about this kind of promotion is that . You don’t need any marketing skills. You can just talk about what you know best .


Or show some samples of your work (especially if you’re running a service). Another thing . You can do is set the lead generation page as the button on your facebook . Page and put it in your instagram bio.Sign-up button on a facebook pageoptimize your google . Business profile are you a local business? Then, you probably already have a google business .