The 12 stages of the HERO are: 1. Pplace in a special world, a world that is new and alien to its hero. In Witness, you see both the Amish boy and the policeman in their ordinary worlds before they are thrust into alien worlds — the farmboy into the city and the city cop into the unfamiliar countryside.
In Star Wars, you see Luke Skywalker bored to death as a farm boy before he takes on the night clubs and bars email list universe. 2. The call to adventure The hero is presented with a problem, challenge, or adventure. In Star Wars again, Princess Leia’s holographic message to Obi Wan Kenobi asks Luke to join in the quest. In detective stories, it’s the hero accepting a new case. In romantic comedies, it could be the first sight of that special — but annoying — someone the hero or heroine will be pursuing/sparring with the remainder of the story.
3. The Hero is reluctant at first Often at this point, the hero balks at the threshold of adventure. After all, he or she is facing the greatest of all fears: the fear of the unknown. At this point, Luke refuses Obi Wan’s call to adventure and returns to his aunt and uncle’s farmhouse, only to find the Emperor’s stormtroopers have killed them. Suddenly Luke is no longer reluctant and is eager to undertake the adventure.