The truth is that the problem is everyone's problem. If marketing and sales do not work together to solve it, the solution will always be partial and ineffective.
There is a direct relationship (a cascading effect) between marketing and country area code philippines sales funnels. That's why it's worth considering everything with an integrated view:
A healthy demand generation system should have 70% of the leads it handles “on the grid”. For example, if I have 30 SQL leads in the sales pipeline, I should have another 70 leads in the MQL to SQL qualification phase.
Thus, the system compensates for lost Leads with new incoming Leads every Q.
For example: if I close 10 of the 30 opportunities in my pipeline and lose 20, I must have a flow of 20 new SQL leads each quarter. To have that number of SQLs, I must manage twice as many MQL leads, and I must do the same with the IQLs.

Reasons why you lack LEADS
By now you will have realized the direct relationship between the lack of leads and the coordinated actions between marketing and sales. And also the temporal effect between the two: the actions I do (or don't do) this quarter will have an impact on the next.
To summarize, let us list the main reasons:
1. Lack of an early-stage recruitment strategy
B2B companies generally do not invest in early-stage lead generation campaigns (known as ToFu: Top Of The Funnel) because they consider it an expense with little return or difficult to measure.
For many, it is an expense that the “vendors” or the brands they represent must bear…
Companies that do so find a major advantage:
By the time these leads reach their intermediate or advanced phase, as a result of having managed to cultivate a relationship between the lead and the brand, they can gain positioning and preference that other brands cannot achieve.
2. Low brand presence in the digital channel (The company is not sufficiently well-known and depends too much on the efforts of the sales team to attract opportunities.) Brands with greater visibility sell more. It is a very simple equation: the more target audiences see your value proposition, the more commercial opportunities you will have.
However, visibility is one of the most neglected marketing actions. This is due to a lack of budget and a lack of knowledge about what to do and how to do it.
The result is a greater prioritization of performance actions over awareness (concrete results of leads or sales, versus long-term positioning).
3. Lack of competitiveness in Search campaigns
In many B2B businesses, the majority of MQL leads come from search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns where people are looking for services and products that solve specific problems or needs. If your brand doesn't appear in search results (either organic or sponsored results), it will lose out to competitors who do appear.
4. Lack of a Lead Capture, Cultivation and Qualification system.
5. Not having an adequate strategy when the product is not sought by the prospect. In many cases, companies do not need to capture leads, simply because there are no leads looking for them… The company does not have an Account-Based Marketing strategy (based on the payroll of target companies) and does not develop prospecting.
How can you solve the shortage of leads?
Start at the end of the funnel: SQLs and Opportunities
Define exactly what a SQL is for your company and what an Opportunity is in your Pipeline
Ask yourself how many opportunities you can manage simultaneously.
Define what your sales process cycle is like
Get the conversion rate between Submitted and Won Proposals.
Analyze what type of Deal is ideal for your company
Identify the opportunities the market presents to you to obtain SQLs
Test BoFu with Google Search campaigns
Test the Pitch with Outbound eMail Campaigns
Test the Value Offer with Hyper-Targeted Advertising on LinkedIn
Analyze the testing actions carried out and identify which ones are the most advantageous
Develop a Visibility strategy for the brand and executives through valuable educational content leveraged by hyper-targeted advertising on Linkedin
Use content as a prospecting tool and conversation starter
Find and exploit different levels of “match” (PMF) between your value proposition and the customer segments you target.
Pragmática can help you with each of these steps! We look forward to hearing from you.