What is email marketing?
Email marketing is defined as sending emails to a database or contacts, who may be your clients or prospects . It is considered a digital communication strategy and falls within the actions of direct marketing, that is, email marketing or mailing focuses on sending a message with the purpose of acquiring new clients, developing the relationship with current ones, creating loyalty, interacting with contacts, increasing sales, increasing income, generating trust towards a service or product, confirming a purchase order, among other objectives.
Over the years, email marketing has established itself as an effective means of communication with clients and/or potential clients. In addition, it can be very helpful for your current clients to provide added value from your company, creating close and personal communication.
Because of its high accessibility, you can reach a variety of audiences. The messages you send are delivered directly to your recipients' inboxes, allowing you to be present in each of their daily lives, whether on their smartphones or computers.
Email marketing can be present at all stages of the marketing funnel:
Awareness (making your business known).
Interest (positioning yourself as an expert).
Desire (provoke the desire to buy).
Action (selling your products and services).
Where today we cannot have a company without sending emails!
If you do not have this channel implemented in your digital marketing strategy, this guide is for you.
What are its benefits? What are the different types of emails to send? What are the different aspects to consider? Which digital platforms to use? Below, I will tell you everything you need to know about email marketing in a simple way.
Benefits of email marketing
Profitability: It is truly profitable for our companies if we compare it with the cost singapore phone number list of carrying out campaigns on other communication channels such as radio, newspapers, television, SMS, distribution of flyers, among others.
Speed and efficiency: We reach our target audience quickly, directly and effectively, regardless of where we and our clients are located.
Versatility: We have the possibility of using different formats when creating our emails: we can include images, videos, attached documents and use a wide variety of techniques that help us attract the attention of our recipients.
Measurement: It gives us the possibility to measure our actions very precisely through different indicators: opening rate, number of clicks or bounce rate in real time, knowing the impact of our shipments to make decisions about the next moves.
Segmentation: The enormous segmentation capacity that we can carry out when sending to our customer database, being able to apply different criteria and segmentation models (geographic, opening hours, response rate of our shipments, transactional behavior, etc.).
Personalization: We can personalize the messages we send to our customers or potential customers, since we have their personal data on our lists (name, city of residence, age, purchase history, etc.).
Types of emails
Occasional emails: Occasional emails are sent when necessary, according to the rhythm of your business.
Newsletters : These usually present news about your company (new features or services) and/or a summary of the best of your blog. They allow you to stay in the minds of your recipients and inspire them. A recommended frequency is monthly.
Email campaigns : These are more focused on sales. A campaign can consist of 3-10 emails over several days or weeks (e.g. a Mother's Day sale, special offers for the holiday season, the launch of a new product, etc.)
Automated Emails: Automated emails can save you time and money, and are personalized based on the information you have about a contact. (Ex: birthday greetings, reservation confirmations, welcome emails when someone subscribes to your newsletter, detailed invitation after registering for a webinar, etc.)
Aspects to take into consideration
The subject should be clear and brief and focus on a single objective.
You need to know what the best time to send your messages is for your customers.
Personalize your emails and increase your opening rate.
Email design is a fundamental part of the email, as it cannot be excessively long, it must have a visible call to action and it should not have a lot of text.
It is essential that your newsletter is adapted to all types of devices (cell phones, computers, tablets, etc.).
Provoke emotions through images, these must be of high quality.
Optimize your database, it is better to have a smaller but effective database.
Uses a language that is close, attractive and fresh.