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5 steps that data-driven marketing needs to go through to generate results

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:59 am
by jisanislam53
You're certainly tired of hearing about Big Data , right? It's no longer news that a consolidated data analytics strategy , with a data-driven marketing character , is one of the pillars that support a transformation process towards the much-desired digital maturity.

Today, major international brands base their digital marketing strategies on insights generated by data mining and analysis . They gain strategic advantages in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of their actions and the personalization of content according to different groups of consumers who are divided by behavior (clusters) .

It is true that different brands are in different positions in terms of applying data-driven marketing, some more advanced than others. Do you want to position your company in this scenario? Check out our post today!

First stage: “I use an analytics tool for basic metrics”

According to Sérgio Larentis, VP Marketing Engineering at Math Marketing , “ today it is difficult phone number list philippines to conceive of a brand with positioning on the web that does not have a web analytics strategy implemented ”.

Now, with free and easy access to intuitive tools like Google Analytics , it is unjustifiable that a brand that considers itself ready for a digital transformation process does not even carry out a cold analysis of data for data driven marketing, such as how many hits its website had, unique users, among others.


“The truth is that the vast majority of companies have already passed level two and do not measure only the most basic metrics, but rather metrics that are more important to understand the user journey ,” says Sérgio. In other words, they already have the necessary expertise to carry out the necessary configuration so that web analytics mechanisms can perform the necessary measurements for their business. This is done by cross-referencing user behavior data that helps understand their preferences, refining them for the rest of their purchasing journey .

Third stage: “I use a tagmanager”

Sérgio explains: “ Tag Manager is a tool that speeds up operations. More accurate measurement of specific behaviors within a page depends on changes in its programming .” According to the VP of Marketing Engineering at Math Marketing , most brands are at this stage. “ With Tag Manager, the data analyst can configure the necessary settings to monitor whatever is needed without having to delegate the processes to IT for each new demand ,” he adds.

Fourth stage: “I use an A/B testing or MVT tool, as well as a heatmap”

For Sérgio, most Brazilian companies are heading towards this stage of digital maturity in data-driven marketing. “ This is when companies start to do tests. This is where things get really fun, because you can use A/B testing techniques or MultiVariate Testing, MVT (understand what A/B testing and MVT are by clicking here) and, if necessary, cross-reference the test results with the heatmap ,” he says. “ When we apply a theory like this, we can actually discover what is generating conversions ,” he concludes.

Fifth stage: “information is accessible in a centralized way, I use predictive models”

The fifth and final stage, according to Sérgio, is still rare in Brazil. “ It is when the brand has a 360º view of its user. I can know that that person who is still anonymous because they have not registered has a certain browsing history and, based on this history, I can make an offer addressed to their specific interests ”.

“ This involves cross-referencing historical data from people who have gone through journeys on the website to infer the business opportunities that I will have within a campaign. Using data analysis and machine learning, we can train a model to understand that, based on a certain investment, certain results will be achieved. This is predictive marketing,” explains Sérgio. “360º vision and predictive analysis , today, define level five ,” he concludes.

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And what level of analytics maturity is your brand at? To evolve, learn about our open knowledge model, Digital IQ. Check it out!